Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Pandemic Fog

These are strange times. We have been staying home for weeks (like the rest of the world), hoping for a return to normalcy. The days are impossibly long, many of them being emotionally draining and difficult to get through. It feels like it's never going to end, and that normal can't ever really exist again. Not in the way it did before, at least.

There's something familiar about that.

I try to imagine how we'll remember these days. Will we romanticize all the togetherness, and forget about the worries and anxiety? The fear of an uncertain future?

Probably, at least to a degree. Thinking back to all those years ago, I do have fond memories of the enduring love we received. But I also remember losing hope and optimism in the face of an uncertain future - having no sense of what the next few months, or even weeks might bring. Mourning a future that I had already built up in my head. All I could see was today, tomorrow, and then a whole lot of fog. What I am most proud of was making it through that fog, one day at a time.

We've all got fog in the forecast right now. But we can see today, and maybe tomorrow. And sunnier days are ahead, even if we don't know when.

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