Thursday, December 19, 2019

Six Years

Dear Anya:

Happy 6th Birthday. We came to see you this morning. The candle on your cupcake was blown out before we finished singing Happy Birthday. Maybe it was the wind, or the bone-chilling frost. Or as Juliette put it, maybe it was "Silly Anya".

Juliette said that we should "rescue you" so that you could eat your cupcake, because you're stuck under the ground. She's starting to grasp what it means for you to have been here, but isn't there quite yet.

William talked last night about how he was looking forward to visiting you this morning. It's clear he understands your place in our family, and the love that we all have for you. When we talk about who's in "our whole family", he'll be the first one to include you.

We still think of you every day. You are loved, and you are missed.